Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It Has Been a While....

So it has been a while since I have posted. I have been extremely busy and not had a lot to say I guess. I had my 2nd Dr appt and U/S today and things are going great. The little gummi bear has caught up in growth and Dr left my Due Date at 2/28. I will go back in 2 weeks for another appointment and possibly U/S and will stay on progesterone until week 13. I guess that is about it for now....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We Have a Heartbeat!!

I had my first doctor's appointment and ultrasound yesterday. The appointment went great, nothing spectacular there. The ultrasound was good too, although on one of their old portable machines versus the good bigger ones (this was due to an argument I lost with the receptionist...but that's a whole other story). We saw the baby and the heartbeat.. YAY!!! .. but baby only measured 6 weeks 1 day when according to my last cycle I should be 7 weeks 2 days. He said that the U/S measured up with how far along I should be based on my HCG though so he is not worried. I am still nervous about that large of a difference, but am going to try and stay positive until my next U/S on the better equipment in 2 weeks. He had to make sure and remind me that while things are looking great, we are not out of the woods yet.... so were still cautiously optimistic. For today I am pregnant. For today there is a heartbeat. Oh and I will find out today my HCG and Progesterone levels again also.

A, my 6 year old, found out from her 2 year old sister, L, that I am pregnant again. L has known since day 1 that I was pregnant... she is so perceptive, and the only person she told was A. A on the other hand was told not to tell as I was not ready for everyone to know yet, and has taken it upon herself to tell the family. So my secret is no longer a secret. Oh well, it is nice to have the prayers and support I decided.... I just hope this time I do not have to tell them bad news.....

Monday, July 13, 2009

26 Hours

And the countdown continues....

26 hours until my first doctors appointment and ultrasound. I am feeling confident and excited, although a small part of me is still very nervous that something will not be right, but I am trying very hard to keep that part from taking over...and succeeding!!!! Nothing much else to report. The girls are good, Jonathan is good and working a lot, I am still pregnant.

On another note, I am planning a road trip to Alaska to escape this aweful heat.... will be back by the end of September....anyone with me? Forcast for the next seven days...100-102 with no chance of rain in sight.... will the heat and drought ever end?

Out of the mouths of babes:
My two year old has decided that since I have a baby in my tummy so does she. Hers is a boy. I am having twins according to her. After explaining this to anyone that will listen she says, "You want to see him?" Then she opens her mouth real wide and says aaaggghhhhhh.

I laugh everytime. I also think it is pretty smart of her. She knows you cannot see the baby through the tummy, and she knows that food goes down your throat to your tummy....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Waiting on Tuesday....

I am 6 weeks 4 days pregnant today and am happy. I have moments of anxiety but not as many as I feared, I feel at ease and confident more of the time that this little miracle inside of me will be the final addition to my little family. Then we will be complete.

My progesterone is great. My HCG levels were 16873 the last time we checked, and now we wait. We wait for Tuesday when I go to the Dr for the first time and have my first U/S. Then we wait for the end of the first trimester, the first movement, then for February and the delivery. I love being pregnant and the process, but hate waiting lol :) I need to learn patience....

Friday, July 3, 2009

5 Weeks 5 Days

I m/c baby number two in September at 5 weeks 5 days, and that is what I am today. But, so far this time things are going much different and much better. I got my blood draw back from Monday (964) and then had it drawn again on Wednesday (2684), which puts my doubling time consistantly around 31/32 hours, YAY!!!!!!!

Ashlyn is coming home today. She has had a very full and fun week. We are meeting at the zoo in a couple of hours. Lorelei is so excited about going to see the MONKEYS!!!!